Practice is an intransitive verb. / The benefits of a regular practice are numerous!
- To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of.
- To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill.
- To give lessons or repeated instructions to; drill.
The dictionary defines ‘practice’ as meaning to follow or observe habitually or customarily: To state ‘I practice yoga’ is a valid example. Some prefer the term; discipline, as it is imparts a striving towards mastery.
But are there valid reasons for a practice?? Absolutely! The following are five benefits you may not have known but make clear why a regular practice can be a healthy pursuit!
- Increased Self-Awareness: An ongoing or regular practice of activities such as mindfulness meditation, journaling, or yoga can help develop a deeper understanding of your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This can lead to improved self-awareness, which in turn can help you make better decisions, manage your emotions more effectively, and strengthen your relationships with others, as well.
- Improved Memory: Studies have shown that regular exercise can help improve memory function by increasing blood flow to the brain. Similarly, exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells. Activities such as playing an instrument, learning a new language, or solving puzzles can also be helpful in improving both memory function and cognitive performance!
- Boosted Immune System: Regular exercise and a healthy diet have long been associated with a strong immune system. However, recent research has also shown that engaging in activities such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can also help boost immunity by reducing stress and improving relaxation.
- Increased Creativity: Engaging in regular creative activities such as painting, writing, or playing music vigorously stimulates the brain and increases creativity. This can lead to improved problem-solving skills, greater innovation, and increased overall satisfaction in life!
- Reduced Risk of Chronic Disease: Regular exercise in conjunction with a healthy diet have been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Additionally, engaging in activities such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises have been shown to improve overall cardiovascular health, as well.
Engaging in regular creative activities such as painting, writing, or playing music vigorously stimulates the brain and increases creativity.
Since the first dictionary’s example of practice is ‘to make a habit of’, that beckons the question of what is the actual difference between a practice and a habit. So, we need to clarify that!
A habit is a routine or behavior that is regularly repeated and often becomes automatic or unconscious over time. Habits can be positive or negative, and they can be formed intentionally or unintentionally.
A practice, on the other hand, is a deliberate and intentional action or set of actions that is performed regularly in order to achieve a specific goal or purpose. Practices are very often associated with personal growth, spirituality, or self-improvement. However, they require conscious effort and focus to develop and maintain.

I take two mile, nightly walks as a practice. I also practice yoga several times a week. These are my own!